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Who are they?

Who are they?

Just who are they?

A Fulton County, Ga, Grand Jury has been looking into the allegations that Trump, aided by John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, along with a group of bogus electors and assorted goofballs tried to overthrow the 2020 presidential election.

This particular group of randomly picked citizens are charged with obtaining facts only, they do not have the power to indict anyone. Because Georgia is very nit-picky about their procedures, --and to insure absolute fairness, --another Grand Jury will weigh the facts and decide if an indictment is warranted.

This new Grand Jury will be empaneled next Tuesday, and we all await to see if they indict, or not.

But here's the thing: according to Trump and his foaming-at-the-mouth supporters, each, and every setback has been the result of a rigged system, a rigged courtroom or a rigged jury. We've all heard Trump bleat the election was rigged, the outcome of Arizona and Michigan elections rigged, ballot counting across the entire country where Biden won was rigged, and the dog show where Ivanka entered her pet 'Schnoozel' (or whatever) and lost to a cat, was rigged, too.

(She might have a point there).

But here's the question: who was doing the rigging?

Was there, is there, a peripatetic band of nameless trolls with pointed hats and shoes that curl at the toes, traveling from one election district, to another, with the singular purpose of making fools look even more foolish to the point they influence elections?

Now please, no gobbledygook about 'generic' Democrats, secret unnamed operatives, or 'Red Flag conspiracies. I want names, real names of real people, or else, please, keep you ghost stories to yourselves.

submitted by /u/LetterGrouchy6053
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from We The People

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