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No surprises here.

With their constant attempts to deny social services and Welfare to the poor, to their never-ending attempts to weaken, if not destroy, Social Security and Medicare, to their continuing efforts to dismantle Obamacare and drive us back into the clutches of private insurance, where every claim is ruled to be a preexisting condition and thus, not covered, to a thousand other proposals to malign the poor and fellate the rich, you would think the Republicans could sink no lower.

You could think, but you'd be wrong!

Now, Darrell Issa, former republican Rep. has emerged from the abyss, --the sewer he so joyfully dwells in -- and in an interview sunk to depths not even Karl Rove would have considered.

Hunter Biden is an admitted former drug addict and tax cheat. He has admitted to his misdemeanors (not felonies) and accepted a government mandated plan to make matters better.

He is also President Biden's only living son,

Issa joined Fox News host Griff Jenkins on Saturday to discuss the GOP’s attempts to probe federal prosecutors over their handling of Biden’s criminal case. The former head of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee referred to Hunter as a “sick drug user” and denounced the president for still inviting him to the White House.

“Whether Hunter Biden is ever jailed or not, he’s a sick drug user with lots of problems, including obviously a propensity for criminal behavior in the millions of dollars,” Issa said. “With the son pleading to, even if they’re misdemeanors, fairly significant criminal things that he did in tax evasion, why in the world would you go out of your way to have him at the White House showing that he’s still very connected to the big guy?”

Issa noted, “But we really do have to ask, why does he continue to put him on Air Force Two and an Air Force One? Why does he do things that create the appearance that he has real connections with his father and real ability to affect his father?”

Why, indeed, would a grieving father, president, or not, want his last surviving son nearby? Funny, Satan in a three-piece suit, never mentioned Don, Jr's, often reported drug usage, or the entire Trump's family's business conviction for not paying their taxes, or the massive trial they face in the fall that might just bankrupt them completely for the same crimes.

No, he'll take cheap shots, make despicable suggestions, and in a cold-blooded, heartless interview, reenforce the GOP's well-deserved reputation for a complete lack of decorum and compassion.

Following the death of Biden’s oldest son Beau Biden from brain cancer in 2015, Hunter is the president’s last living son.

submitted by /u/LetterGrouchy6053
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